A Christmas Wish, by Guillermo Cides
And what if we don’t ask for anything?
If we accept the life we have as it is,
If we ask this time for the other, just to prove that love returns,
If we stop complaining and instead ask ourselves, “Why me?” we ask ourselves, “Why not me?”
If instead of hating the hateful, we stop to look at the kind.
If instead of asking for big things, we ask for small things that will make us happy more quickly.
If instead of wishing for health, money, and love, we wish for the recovery, food, and smile of those who do not have them.
What if we didn’t ask for anything and accepted what we got? Is it so bad?
How about we live for those who left before and who left us the task of loving for them.
If instead of blaming heaven, we see its greatness.
If instead of looking for unforgettable eyes, we look at the eyes that are looking at us right now.
What if we don’t ask for anything and are simply grateful for having lived until today—the children already made, the parents already had, the friends already embraced, the ones already loved?
There is light and peace within us, and we still don’t know it.
There are a great man and a great woman waiting to be discovered.
For a simple Christmas.