By Guillermo Cides
This is a true story that occurred during the last Silent Stick Tour in Colombia. The person speaking in the video is my friend, Colombian musician and producer Nelson Aristizabal in a WhatsApp message (reproduced with his permission) where he wonderfully explains how everything happened. This story is proof that music can help other people. For my part, the notes that took me around the world, and in that case, to Colombia, are the same notes that I played alone in my house the first day I started playing the Stick. They are honest notes, and I like to think that honesty is actually at the heart of this whole story. The honesty of the student for keeping his promise to progress, the honesty of my friend Nelson, who proposed the exchange, and the honesty of the school in accepting it. Honesty has a strength that goes beyond any record company or artistic or commercial triumph. It has the force of water, which does not stop with anything.
Those of us who have participated in this little story have changed the world. We have changed the part that we could change.
I only asked Oscar this: “Help someone when you have the chance.”
Because we don’t know more, we know before.
(Sorry guys, it is in spanish, but you can activate Youtube subtitles)