By Guillermo Cides
High or low. Young or old. Cármenes or Alicias. Protagonists or silent mothers, will always be immortal. They represent the inertia of life and the power of existence, passing life from one womb to another. A genetic code amassed with stories, loves, and loneliness. When science can discover the hidden, we will find truths that we sense today: that we respond to our own history from hundreds of years ago. The mother of the mother of the mother of the mother lives in us right now. Perhaps many reading this have lost their mothers, and eventually we will all be lost in the universe. But we have been chosen for the privilege of being born through them, and the essence of our humanity will survive every time a womb is illuminated and filled with past stories of stories, loves, struggles, and old ages.
For the mothers who still exist and for those who already float in hearts, happy day.