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Bitácora personal de Guillermo Cides


Art by Mariana Crottollini (Argentina)

Music, dreams, and how to make a difference with just a musical note.


It is a great honor to be one of the guests at one of the TED conferences.
As they define themselves, TED is “a global community, welcoming people from all disciplines and cultures who seek a deeper understanding of the world. We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives, and, ultimately, the world.”

These conferences try to introduce people who can influence other people. They are recorded and included in a large database to share with the world. In my personal case, I have been working with music for more than 20 years, trying to do it with passion and a clean spirit. Stick has been my language, but in the end, we are human beings trying to connect with other human beings. I think this is the first time a stickista has had the chance to speak to large audiences at TED.

I tried to do my best by offering my honest point of view about music, dreams, and how to make a difference with just one musical note.


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