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Bitácora personal de Guillermo Cides


Art by Mariana Crottollini (Argentina)

But changing the world necessarily involves overcoming hate. And it’s funny that when you get older, you forgive.


By Guillermo Cides

In recent times, several have left. But it’s a matter of age: when we grow up, we start to die, and we see how others die too. It is not really a tragedy; it is “the law of life” as they say here in Spain. As you become a wise navigator and master the sea, it has a unique and, from some points of view, honorable end for you. Yesterday I saw an advertisement that said that 1 hour of daily exercise would allow you to live a few more years. I kept thinking, “For what?” What is the sense of stretching the time that will inevitably end? It would have been different if the ad said, Exercise for an hour a day and you will be happier.” The ad unknowingly expresses a philosophical fear clumsily and desperately hidden in leg and arm exercises. And when valuable people like Patané, Grinsberg or Emmett Chapman leave, I don’t wonder if they exercised 1 hour a day. I wonder if they were happy. If they made others happy, if they left a worthwhile legacy,
In short, they did change the world.
But changing the world necessarily involves overcoming hate. And it’s funny that when you get older, you forgive. You do it because you don’t care. Because hate, in its deepest essence, is made of smoke, it hangs by a thread, and it is very easy to cut it in old age. Because you don’t care anymore. And that lack of attention towards what we hate disappears forever, I like to believe, towards the last minute of your life. When we see the final light, I like to think that it is not the light of heaven but the light of forgiveness and love. You forgive everyone and everything so much that, behind hate, there is light. And I don’t need the James Webb telescope to know that.
Here’s to these intrepid people, those necessary people who help us remember that this is a simple journey, that there are no deaths better than others, but lives that are worth it. Like yours and mine, for example.


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